Friday, February 29, 2008

Little Lady!

Finally I got a good picture of her. My mom got a new camera so she gave me her old one.. so, I was trying out the new camera. Makayla is coming around to camera's... normally she doesn't like to have her picture taken. (hint: picture 3)

I love this sweater on her! It really brings out her big, blue eyes.

Makayla sometimes doesn't want her picture taken. haha

Friday, February 22, 2008

The things kids say...

Lately here in Tennessee the flu have been going around. Makayla has heard me talking about "being sick" because my Pampered Chef shows have been cancelled due to illness. Plus everytime we go to Wal-Mart I pull out the disinfectant wipes and bath her and the cart with it. Right now, Makayla is in the asking alot of questions stage. "What happen" "Whats matter" "Where you goin" (When I get up to do ANYTHING) So, the Gragg house lately is alot of explaining to this curious little girl. Back to my story... last night we were on our way home from the fire hall and she sadly said " Mommy, I sick." I immediately thought.. great, she has the flu! I asked her what hurt on her and she said so innocently "my eye sick". Daniel and I looked at either and couldn't help but laugh under our breaths. I told her when we got home I would look at it to make sure her sick eye was okay. Well, when we got home... I was putting her to bed, and again she told me she was sick. I knew now (since it was literally 30 minutes since we got home) she probably was trying to get out of bedtime. I asked her what was wrong and this time, she told me "my finger is sick". I looked at her finger and she happened to have a hang nail. LOL! I think it's so funny how kids make up their own sicknesses. It's so cute and innocent. So, I guess now we are going to have to explain what "sick" means.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Gragg Family '08

This is our first professional family picture we have taken. I have plenty of just Makayla but I figured we needed one of the three of us before we add another Gragg to the family. (Hopefully within this year :) )

Mommy/daughter picture. I'm not very fond of this picture of me but Makayla looks cute!

Some much needed pics...

Our towns fire department does a picture fundraiser every year and we got some pictures taken. Makayla is obsessed with daddy driving the fire trucks (Daniel is on the fire dept.) so we thought this was the cutest prop for her picture. She was SO proud she was driving that toy fire truck like daddy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Birthday Wishes!

I just wanted to send birthday wishes to my husband, Daniel! Happy 27th Birthday. I Love You! ~Jenna

Monday, February 11, 2008

In need of prayer....

Recently my cousin Joey joined the National Guard and just left for 10 weeks of basic training. Before he left he told us it would be really hard to get ahold of him.. basically writing letters and him getting them a few weeks later. Well, about a week ago, Joey's best friend (Joseph) was stabbed to death at a party. Joseph was a big part of why Joey went into the National Guard. Joseph himself had joined out of high school and led Joey to the same thing. Joseph was Joey's "information" to what he was about to go through at basic training. Although I don't know Joseph personally, when I heard the news of his death.. I was heart-broken. I first thought of Joey and how sad I was for him! Then I thought of Joseph's family grieving for their 21 year old son/brother. Well, Sunday I got a text message from Joey. We (his parents, grandparents, sister/brother-in-law) had all been very nervous to tell Joey of Joseph's death. We didn't know how he would take it and the fact that he is away and not with people who care about him. In the text message from Joey, he asked me to get his address and write to him. I knew he must've found out about Joseph. I sat down last night to write him a letter... and it was the hardest thing I have done in awhile. I was encouraging (of course)but the right words to say to him just weren't coming out right. Please.. whoever reads this, pray for Joey. I am really worried about him. Basic training alone is a hard thing to go through but that and the lose of your best friend.. must be AWFUL. RIP Joseph Floyd.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


I have been potty-training for about two weeks and everything was going great for the first week but after week one it all went down hill. Makayla was wearing big girl Dora panties (that she picked out) all day long for a good 4 days... and had NO accidents. I thought this potty training stuff was going to be a peice of cake. HAHA... how I was wrong. These past few days.. she is peeing every 10 minutes and having accidents left and right. I take her to the bathroom and she freaks out. I don't want to lose ground on her accomplishments but I also don't want to push her.. because I have heard they can regress if they aren't completely ready. I know the best thing to do is to just stick with her every 10 minutes and take her to the bathroom but SERIOUSLY thats alot of work.. lol. Not to mention... getting out and leading the on-the-go life I love... will have to be put on the back burner. Any suggestions from fellow mothers who have already potty trained?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Back in Action

I recently decided that I needed to get out more and start something for myself. I thought about getting a waitressing job at nights but I didn't want to be out until the wee hours of the night and miss out on my putting Makayla to bed so, I decided to start my own business and became a Pampered Chef consultant. I LOVE IT! I get to be my own boss and set my own schedule, which is very nice with a two year old. I had my first show January 31st and I was sooo nervous. My sister-in-law had the show so you would think I wouldn't be nervous with all family there but I was super nervous. Everyone at the show said I did good but I thought they were just being nice. haha. The show ended up being a 700.00 show which is very good! I so far have made extra money and gotten alot of FREE pampered chef product... plus I am having alot of fun and I get to tuck Makayla into bed at nights. Right now at this stage in my life.. It's the perfect job for me! I would recommend this job to anybody with young children!
We didn't have a computer here at the house and you have to submit shows on the internet so I was going over to my sister-in-laws house to use there computer. It was getting tough because I would have to lug all my pampered chef stuff and Makayla so, I just recently got a new laptop and internet service at my house. YAY! It makes my life so much easier. Now I can do all my work stuff while Makayla is napping. Plus, I am going to try to be better at getting on here and posting more about the Gragg family. Until next time....